Herbal Consultations

A Chinese herbal consultation involves a thorough review of your medical history and current health complaints for which you are seeking treatment. The goal of the initial visit is to determine a baseline of your current state of health and to break down and understand your symptoms, complaints and treatment goals.
Prior to your initial session, you will be sent an intake questionnaire that is important to your treatment and must be completed; the lengthy form is necessary to detail your current health state and underlying issues regarding your body, mind, and spirit. We will also discuss your goals for treatment and go over any questions you may have regarding this process.​
After our initial session, all of your information will be assessed and an herbal formula will be determined. All herbal formulas will be delivered directly to your home.
The following week, and subsequent weeks, we will reconnect via email to discuss your progress, developments, or any other issues; formulas will be adjusted as needed. Should any issues arise or if you have a question between scheduled visits, please email me.
It is important to understand that formulas may change weekly as we unravel your health issues; as something improves another issue may develop; this is not uncommon. Chronic health issues that have been longstanding often present with levels of symptoms that need to be addressed in a step by step manner so as not to worsen the condition or weaken the patient. That being said, acute or less severe health issues have less layers to peel and therefore formulas tend to not change as often. Of course, this is all case by case and particular to each patient.
Herbal formulas vary in price depending on delivery method and preparation as well as herbal ingredients. Optimal preparation is from raw herbs, also the most expensive option; these formulas are prepared from dried herbs and are customized to suit your specific issues. Raw formulas can be cooked at home or delivered to your home prepared in individually sealed vacuum pack bags, easy and convenience. White Lotus orders raw herbal formulas through Kamwo Meridian Herbs in New York City. Options besides raw herbs are alcohol based tinctures, granules, capsules, and pills, some of which can be customized.
Initial visits for Chinese herbs are booked in 2, 3 or 4 weeks of sessions: the initial session and weekly concise follow-up sessions, via email or phone. Please note that initial herbal sessions may only be booked in 2, 3 or 4 week increments.
Return herbal sessions are designed for current herbal patients only; lapses in treatment longer than 4 weeks would require an new intake to address any changes or issues that may have developed. Return visits build upon the initial and current complaints and are conducted via concise email or phone sessions to determine necessary formula modifications. Follow-up sessions can be booked in 2, 3, or 4 week increments.
White Lotus Acupuncture is not a retail establishment for supplements or herbal products. We only manage the herbal services of our established patients.